Photos 1968 to 1969
1968 Tet Offensive on Alpha Btry Motor Pool Quan Loi - Photos by Howard Barbee
Alpha Battery Quan Loi Photos 1968 - Photos by Major Tom Sheehy
Alpha Battery Quan Loi 1968 - Photos by Howard Barbee
Alpha Battery Quan Loi April 1968 - Photos by Gene Mikovilje
HHB Photos - March 68 to May 69 - Photos by Rob "Pete" Petras
B Photos - Black & White 68-69  - Photos by Joe Deane
1968 Tet Offensive on Alpha Btry Motor Pool Quan Loi - Photos by Howard Barbee
Alpha Battery Quan Loi 1968 - Photos by Howard Barbee
FDC/Admin Personnel Bunker 1968 - Photos by Howard Barbee
HHB/Commo Personnel Bunker 1969 - Photos by Larry Hutchison
Mess Hall Sidewalk Construction 1969 - Photos by Roger Mallory
Alpha Battery Motor Pool and Quan Loi Area - Photos by Eddie "Zak" Zakrzewski
VN Views by A Service Battery 6/27th Arty Ammo Hauler 68-69 - Photos by Lawrence Korteum
The Day the Gun Exploded 1969 - Story and Photos by Mario Williams & Others
The Mystery of the 35mm Slides - Story by John Wavra with Photos by Larry Jameson and Others
Vietnam Images - 1969 - Photos by Chuck Clarke
Ronald Pinkman's Vietnam Photos Alpha Battery  1968 - 1969
Quan Loi Images 1968-1969 - Photos by Evan McIntire
Ralph Roberts Quan Loi Video - 1969 - Video by Ralph Roberts
Quan Loi - 1968 - Photos by Roy Maldonado
Bill Wynne's F Battery 16th Artillery Vietnam Photos 1968 to 1969 - Photos by Bill Wynne
James P. Floyd's Building New Gun Pads & Other Quan Loi Photos 1968-69 - Photos by James P. Floyd
The Day the Gun Exploded 1969 - Story and Photos by Mario Williams & Others
George Owens HHB 6/27th Artillery Photos - Photos by George Owens
David Willingham's Charlie Battery Photos Phouc Vinh 1968 - 1969
Quan Loi - 1968 - Photos by Roy Maldonado
Jim Fillerup's HHB 6/27th Arty & Quan Loi Photos 1968-69 - Photos by Jim Fillerup
Steve Simpson's Vietnam Photos 1968-1969 - Photos by Steve Simpson
Jim Hoyt's Vietnam - Bravo Battery 1968-1969








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