Photos 1969 to 1970

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - Admin Section  - Photos by John Wavra

Alpha Battery Admin Area Layout 1969/1970 - Photos by John Wavra & Others

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns - Photos by Reed McDonald and Jim Hynes

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns & FDC - Photos by Reed McDonald, John Wavra & John Zmarthie

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns 3 - Photos by Larry Jameson and Reed McDonald

Alpha Firing Battery Layout - Various Contributors as Noted

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - "Leisure Time" and Misc. - Photos by John Wavra, John Zmarthie and Reed McDonald

Alpha Battery Quan Loi - People, Etc. - Photos by Reed McDonald and John Wavra

Vietnam Memories: Quan Loi, Dec. 1969 to April 1970 - Story & Photos by Jan Askman

Remembering Alpha Battery Quan Loi - Photos by Ralph Corliss

Number Three Fires One Off 1969 - "Movie" Based on Photos by Gary Graham

May 12th 1969 - Witness Accounts - Various Contributors as Noted

An Infantryman Remembers Quan Loi - Story and Photos by Jack Giffin

Frenchman's Swimming Pool Quan Loi - Various Contributors as Noted

Quan Loi Airstrip 1969-70  - Aerial Photo with Links - Various Contributors as Noted

Alpha Battery at Quan Loi - Video - By Barney Bowles

Quan Loi Photo Gallery 1969 - Photos by Larry Hutchison

FDC 1969 - A Tour with Reed McDonald - Photos by Various Contributors as Noted

Views From Gun # 4 - Jan 1969 to March 1970 - Photos by Robert Moore

Bill Sponseller's Vietnam Images - 1969- Phuoc Vinh

Jeff Gahagan's Remembering Charlie Battery 1969-70

"Vietnam Images 1969 to 1970" by Dennis Camp

"What Did Don Albers See" A Btry Quan Loi 1969 Photos by Don Albers

Glen Russell's Vietnam Tour Photos - 1969-70

Jan Maclaga's Vietnam 1969 to 1970

Ralph Constantine's Vietnam Album - 1969 to 1970

Jim Higgins Quan Loi Airstrip & Aircraft Photos - 1969 to 1970

Joe Pollace's Vietnam Photos - 1969

Les Morris' 1st Cav MET Section Quan Loi Photos - 1969-70

(All content and photos on this site are the property of their named owners and may not be copied or used for any other purposes without permission. Please contact webmaster for permission)