Photos 1969 to 1970
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - Admin Section - Photos by John Wavra
Alpha Battery Admin Area Layout 1969/1970 - Photos by John Wavra & Others
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns - Photos by Reed McDonald and Jim Hynes
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns & FDC - Photos by Reed McDonald, John Wavra & John Zmarthie
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - The Guns 3 - Photos by Larry Jameson and Reed McDonald
Alpha Firing Battery Layout - Various Contributors as Noted
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - "Leisure Time" and Misc. - Photos by John Wavra, John Zmarthie and Reed McDonald
Alpha Battery Quan Loi - People, Etc. - Photos by Reed McDonald and John Wavra
Vietnam Memories: Quan Loi, Dec. 1969 to April 1970 - Story & Photos by Jan Askman
Remembering Alpha Battery Quan Loi - Photos by Ralph Corliss
Number Three Fires One Off 1969 - "Movie" Based on Photos by Gary Graham
May 12th 1969 - Witness Accounts - Various Contributors as Noted
An Infantryman Remembers Quan Loi - Story and Photos by Jack Giffin
Frenchman's Swimming Pool Quan Loi - Various Contributors as Noted
Quan Loi Airstrip 1969-70 - Aerial Photo with Links - Various Contributors as Noted
Alpha Battery at Quan Loi - Video - By Barney Bowles
Quan Loi Photo Gallery 1969 - Photos by Larry Hutchison
FDC 1969 - A Tour with Reed McDonald - Photos by Various Contributors
as Noted
Views From Gun # 4 - Jan 1969 to
March 1970 - Photos by Robert Moore
Bill Sponseller's Vietnam Images - 1969- Phuoc Vinh
Jeff Gahagan's Remembering Charlie Battery 1969-70
"Vietnam Images 1969 to 1970" by Dennis Camp
Did Don Albers See" A Btry Quan Loi 1969 Photos by Don Albers
Glen Russell's Vietnam Tour Photos - 1969-70
Jan Maclaga's Vietnam 1969 to 1970
Ralph Constantine's Vietnam Album - 1969 to 1970
Jim Higgins Quan Loi Airstrip & Aircraft Photos - 1969 to 1970
Joe Pollace's Vietnam Photos - 1969
Les Morris' 1st Cav MET Section Quan Loi Photos - 1969-70