Ron Altier's Memory
of Shipping to Vietnam
Ron Altier writes "I was originally in the 7/8 at Fort
Bliss, Texas. When the war got hot in 1965, we went to the 6/27 Artillery.
The battalion went by train to San Francisco. I remember it well; our train car
was the only one that didn't have air conditioning. I was in the original group
that shipped to Viet Nam. It was the USS Gordon, I took basic training at Fort
Gordon, Georgia and that rang a bell when you mentioned it."
'The ship stopped at Okinawa on the way. You could
see the huge pock marks in the stones on the shore where the shells of WWII hit.
We had a huge beer party on shore where you could drink all you could hold.
It was a confined area, but many got out and were hauled back by MPs. Many
were thrown in the brig. This resulted in a big mess."
"One of the drunks set fire to a bunk, resulting in the death of one of our
guys. There were many that suffered smoke inhalation. A Puerto Rican
named Rodriquez (spelling?) died. He was a small guy that was happy most
of the time. I heard later on that his family had an inquiry into his
death, but i don't know if it was true. I have attached a picture of the
beer party. The guy pictured is Walt
Lineback, my life long friend. We went to school, to the army and
Vietnam together."
"There were no other stops on the way to Vietnam. None. We unloaded
troops at several points prior to us unloading when we got there. I can
not remember the name of the place [either Cameron Bay or Vung Tau] where we
unloaded, but do remember it was a safe place."
"I was unaware that the guns did not arrive when we did. I was told we were at
the staging area to get acclimatized. We chopped the area clear and set up
shelter halves. In the next few days we switched to large tents. It did seem
dumb at the time, because we didn't do anything. After a couple of weeks, we
went back and got the guns. We then proceeded to Phouc Vinh. It was about 35
miles northeast of Saigon. I am not 100% sure, but I think all batteries went
along – 8 - eight inchers
and 4 - 175s. We were the first big guns there. "
Our first night there, we had one hell of a firefight, only to see the next
morning that we were exchanging fire with the Big Red One. The only casualty was
a crippled dog. We had no jungle fatigues and wore the same fatigues for a
couple of months, until we could shower and have a way to wash our old clothes.
It didn't make much difference, we all smelled the same. Our sweat rings, had
sweat rings. "
"Another thing I remembered. We had just set up the
large tents at our home base at Phouc Vinh and were all set to make a home when
a chopper landed near. A general got out and had us get sand bags filled
and placed all around our tents. We were all pissed at him. We
worked our asses off for hours. Three days later we got hit with mortars
and I could have kissed the guy as I lay by my sand bags. I later learned
that he got hit by a .50 cal round in the chopper and blew his leg off. I
don't know if he made it or not. He was known as a man without fear.
He would land the chopper in tall brush and the blade would chop off branches.
I wish now that I could remember his name. By the way, the mortars only
cracked some windshields and made holes in tents. The next time we got hit we
were ready and we got a fix on where they came from. We fired all guns and
walked them down for a long ways. Never heard if we got them, but we never
got hit again.
"I think that Alpha Battery left Phouc Vinh after a month or so in early
1966, to support (maybe) the 1st
Cavalry down south [settled just north of Bien Hoa].
I also went down later to help out.
Didn't stay long as my Battery Commander wanted me back. I was in Bravo Battery
and spent my tour at Phouc Vinh. It was next to a dirt air strip and the village
"We couldn't fire over the village as it scared the hell out of them and knocked
pictures off the wall. The village chief (dow wee) promised to help in any way
he could and wanted to set up a whore house. Our BC said no, but said he could
set up a laundry, which we badly needed. The chief opened the laundry and
stocked it with whores. No, I didn't make it over there. I knew about the
diseases they had and wasn't interested. One of our guys had to stay in the
Philippines with his VD until it was cured or he died. There was no cure."
"I was unaware that the batteries split up like the history shows. I did talk to
a guy that told me that some went up along the Cambodian border and got the shit
kicked out of them. I don't know if that is true. My older brothers served in
WWII, Korea and my younger followed me to Viet Nam. As one of them put it, " I
got a million dollars worth of experience, but wouldn't give you a penny for
another one"
"My whole Viet Nam experience can be summed up by saying, " I don't think the
war was an honorable war, but we, the soldiers, served honorably."
Ron Altier