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Roger Garner had the "pleasure" to serve in two 6/27th Batteries - Bravo and Charlie - in 1971. His photo collection brings us snaps of FSB Wade, Snuffy, Haymaker and a number of FSBs whose names he does not recall. Roger was present at the end of the 6/27th Battalion's time in Vietnam when they stood down at Phu Loi in late October 1971. Click here to view his photo collection and read his memory of his tour. "Vietnam Images 1969 to 1970" by Dennis Camp See Part 7
Gene Long served with Bravo 6/27th Arty from September 1965 to March 1966. He shipped over with the 6/27th Artillery on the USNS W. H. Gordon. Gene sent his first photos to the website in 2003 with promises of more to come. Every few months I would receive a few in a batch of emails with promises of still more to come and the request that I should wait until they all arrived before putting them on the website. Well, they are finally all here and ready for you to view. There's over 85 great shots of the crossing, of Phouc Vinh, of Vung Tau on a 3-day in-country R&R as well as of a regular R&R in Sidney, Australia and of a 2-day pass in Saigon. Many thanks for sharing your photos with the site, Gene. It was worth the wait!
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produced and is maintained by John A. Wavra |