Xom Cat - 1966
Photos & Memories of John Girardeau

As I recall, I was the first Forward Observer/Fire Support Coordinator from the 6/27 at the camp.  Charlie Battery's 175's were the only external artillery in range to support the camp on a regular basis.

We kept a Forward Observer (FO)/ Fire Support Coordination Teams at  Xom Cat from the time it was built.  Each team consisted of of a Lt. Forward Observer and a Recon NCO. The normal tour was 2 to 3 weeks.  I don't recall how may tours I pulled, but it was quite a few.

I was at the camp on radio watch the night Tom Eddie died.....I remember listening to the radio chatter as the event unfolded.

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 John Girardeau's Xom Cat Photos From 1966

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The following  video
 shows the building of the
 Special Forces Camp at Xom Cat, Vietnam - February 1966




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