than stand out and having the M-1 to
supplement my 45 caliber sidearm made me feel safer. I also wore
indigenous footwear and clothing while I was assigned to the Special
Forces unit.
The cost of living in Vietnam was very low as there was little to
buy and few opportunities to spend. Haircuts at Xom Cat cost then
equivalent of about $.15. I kept ten dollars of my pay each month
and sent the rest home to my wife.
Elements of the 101st Airborne visited Xom Cat once for an operation
and their 105-artillery battery set up on our airstrip for a few
While I was assigned to the A Team, the Battalion Commander designed
a research program for me to conduct. He asked me to write a report
that described the explosive damage caused with various fuse
settings (impact, time delays) in open terrain and single, double
and triple canopy jungle.
The research involved walking to the test area, setting out large X
shaped targets made from bed sheets, walking back to camp to fly an
aerial observer fire mission and then walking back to the target
area to take photos of the damage. I conducted the “research” over a
week or so, our pattern was obvious, and we discovered several
ambush sites during our treks.
Thankfully, we were never ambushed and I suspect my insightful
report never went very far up the chain of command.