Lou Hari

See:  The Saga of the Quan Loi Queen





















George OwensGeorge Owens

See:  George Owens HHB 6/27th Artillery Photos


















Chuck Clarke

See:  Vietnam Images - 1969


























Jim McLain

See:  Around Alpha Battery 6/27th Arty Quan Loi 1969


























B. J. BowlesB. J. Bowles

See:  Barney Bowles Alpha Battery 6/27th Artillery
          Quan Loi 1968-69 Video



























Larry Jameson       1946 to April 13, 2008

Guard Duty Memories
May 12, 1969
Larry Jameson Lost Slide/Photos  Also see Mystery of the Lost Slides
A Day Off in Quan Loi
Shit Burns
Thunder Road
548 Driver
Laundry Run
A Father’s Visit      

























Jeff Gahagan

See:  Remembering Charlie Battery 1969-70

























Jack Giffin

See:  An Infantryman Remembers Quan Loi































David WillinghamDavid Willingham

 See:   Photos - Charlie Btry at Phouc Vinh 1968-69




(All content and photos on this site are the property of their named owners and may not be copied or used for any other purposes without permission. Please contact webmaster for permission)