Reunion Report
The 6th Reunion of the 6/27th Artillery
Vietnam was once again held at the Flamingo Hotel and
Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 17 and 18,
2014. The photo above shows
those attending. This year's reunion brought only two
last minute cancellations, but still remained the
largest attended reunion up to this date. Louis
Greer and Narongrit Chobchit as well as Jan and Shelby
Askman were unable to attend. They were all missed by
those attending as well as those who were long-time
attendees who did not attend this year.
The 2014 Reunion also was the first to
be attended by a general grade officer. Brig.
General R. W. "Bill" Crossley with his wife Ann were in
attendance and were given a warm welcome.
Reunion's unofficial start began in the Flamingo
Garden Bar on Tuesday, 9/16 where early arrivers met at
for drinks and conversation until well past midnight.
Registration began on Wednesday at
12:00 noon in the Flamingo
II Room, A Reception with a cash bar was
held from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
View Reception photos here. This was a great
opportunity for those attending to greet old friends and
to meet and get to know those attending a reunion for
the first time. As with each previous reunion the
dynamics for this reunion were different. The
friendliness and good spirit among all those attending
was quite evident.
Those attending for their first time
besides Bill and Ann Crossley,
Curt and Jeanette Agne; John P. Nelle & Leslie Turks;
Dale & Regina Martin; Pedro Agosto; H. Samuel Cooke and
his daughter, Kelly; Jon & Debra Heisler; Les Jensen;
and Tim & Eunice Holmes. We hope you enjoyed this
reunion and will consider attending the next.
Those attending had their Thursday daytime to enjoy Las
Vegas, gamble or get together for more comradeship and
friendship renewal. Las Vegas' famous breakfast buffets
were enjoyed by many. A new attraction near the
Flamingo Hotel, the
High Roller, drew many veterans and spouses to take
a turn on the huge slowly revolving wheel. A
number chose to spend some of their afternoon in the
Flamingo outside
patio bar area enjoying each other's company.
Banquet Dinner was held in the Flamingo Mesquite Room on
Thursday, September 18, 2014. By tradition the
program was informal with a welcome from John Wavra.

dinner the room was called to order and
Fallen Comrades were remembered with a moment
of silence after their names were read aloud and a toast
offered by Don Clay to their memory. The traditional "Fallen
Comrade" place was set at each table to remind each
of us how fortunate we all were to have made it back
from Vietnam and to be attending this reunion. It was
again pointed out that all of us have been fortunate to
live forty plus years longer than our comrades who gave
their lives in Vietnam.
View Dinner photos here.
Once again, as with previous reunions,
the floor was then opened to anyone who wanted to
relate a memory, tell a funny story or whatever, and
several Cannon Kings used this time to good advantage.
It was fun to listen to new and old stories. When the
last story was told the dinner was over and group photos
were taken. The 2014 Reunion, it was agreed by most
attending, had been one of the best of the six! Many
thanks to all who attended and to everyone who helped to
make it the success that it was. Hope to see you all
in 2016! John Wavra
Sorry if you were unable to attend
this year's Reunion. There is no replacing the actual
experience of being there and meeting fellow comrades
and friends, but hopefully we can offer you the next
best experience through a short video.
Please click here to view the 2014 Reunion Video.
(Play time is 14:52)
2014 Las Vegas
Reunion Accounting & Supporting Documents
* Note: Many thanks to Roger Mallory, Les
Higa, Stella & Wesley Jefferies and John Wavra for their
photos used in these photo pages.
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address listed below for permission)
This website was produced and is maintained and
owned by John A. Wavra
Copyright © 2014 by ABattery6/27thArty. All rights reserved.
10/17/14 01:30:46 -0500.
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