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James R. Smith attended the reception but not the dinner.
Registration began on Wednesday at 12:00 noon in the Flamingo Red Rock Room where a Reception with open bar was held from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This was a great opportunity for those attending to meet old friends and to meet and get to know those attending a reunion for the first time. Many said the "buzz" from this reception rivaled the first Reunion held in 2004 at the Excalibur in Vegas. View Reception photos here.
Special toasts were offered to the memory of SSGT Archie Jones by Reed McDonald. John Wavra offered a tribute to the memory of John Hollister, a fellow Cannon King, Service Battery 6/27th Arty, Mar68 to Mar69. John Hollister's wife, Eva, recently wrote to the website that her husband had planned to attend this year's Reunion, but died unexpectedly in June, 2010. A tribute to the memory of Nona Graham, who passed in October, 2009 was also offered by John Wavra. Nona was a friend, contributor to the website and Mother of fellow Cannon King, Gary Graham. John urged the group to visit Nona's stories on the website if they had not done so already to read her excellent stories from the viewpoint of a Mother of a soldier in Vietnam. The floor was then opened to anyone who wanted to relate a memory, tell a funny story or whatever, and several Cannon Kings used this time to good advantage. It was fun to listen to new and old stories. When the last story was told the dinner was over and group photos were taken. The 2010 Reunion turned out to be, in the opinion of many who have attended all four reunions, one of the best! Many thanks to all who attended and to everyone who helped to make it the success that it was. Hope to see you all in 2012!
* Note: Many thanks to Gary & Martha Graham, Les Higa and Roger Mallory for their photos used in these photo pages.
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This website was produced and is
owned and maintained by John A. Wavra
Copyright © 2010 by ABattery6/27thArty. All rights reserved.
10/13/14 16:20:31 -0500.