2008 Reunion as Delightful as First

Click on individual photos above for close-ups and information*

The second 6/27th Artillery Vietnam Veterans Reunion was held on Wednesday, September 13 and Thursday, September 14, 2006 at the Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The "class" photo above shows all those in attendance.  The Reunion started on Wednesday with a welcome "hospitality" suite gathering.  Refreshments were available throughout the afternoon and evening.  It was an informal time to meet and greet old friends and to make new ones.  The fun conversations could be heard throughout the 17th floor.  Thursday evening the group met in the Kyoto Banquet room for a sit-down four-course dinner

Tom Atkins, former CannonKing and retired Naval Chaplin gave a fine benediction
to start things off.  Once again, the program was informal with Les Higa, Reed McDonald and John Wavra conducting a short after-dinner presentation.  Fallen comrades and friends not present were remembered with a moment of silence after their names were read aloud and a toast offered to their memory.  Round-the-room self-introductions were made. The floor was opened for anyone to comment, remember a friend or incident, tell a humorous story or just state how pleased they were to have made the journey to attend the Reunion.

The group laughed together for the next two hours at remembrances of funny stories told by vets present.  A strong feeling of family and comradeship prevailed.  Many of those who attended the first Reunion thought it was not possible to top that one, but most left believing that it had been done.  It was a great reunion for first-timers and returning attendees.
Photos were taken, stories told and retold and at the end of the evening all present reluctantly said goodbyes.  Overall, it was a delightful time and it was the unanimous opinion that a reunion should be planned for 2008.  If you were not present at this one you might want to make plans to attend the 2008 Reunion.  [J. Wavra]

* Note:  Many thanks to Reed McDonald, Les Higa, Roger Mallory, Sharon Smith and Joe Deane for their photos used in the group photo pages.

This website is owned, produced and maintained  by John A. Wavra
Copyright © 2002 to 2006 by John A. Wavra. All rights reserved.
Revised: 07/03/16 11:57:46 -0500abattery6-27tharty@quanloi.org