A Legacy of Honor
History of 6th Battalion, 27th Artillery - 1917 to 1967

This is a re-typed searchable copy of the original History

This, for all intents and purposes, is the third edition of A Legacy of Honor.  The last edition uploaded to www.quanloi.org in 2005 consisted of jpg picture file copies emailed to me by Fred Holbrook of his brother, Jerry Mike Holbrook’s original copy.  In the rush to make this “History of the 6th Battalion 27th Artillery” available as quickly as possible on the website, the jpg files were combined and printed as one pdf file.   Groups of pages were made available for easy download.  This meant that what you got was not a searchable document, but rather pages in a graphical format, i.e. pictures of the original pages.  It worked, but it was not satisfactory.

It has long been a goal of mine to re-type the entire history as a searchable text document.  Well, it was a long process that was not without its benefits, in that it at last forced me to read the entire document while typing it from the first to the last word.  I have tried to remain as faithful to the original document with this copy, correcting only minor errors where discovered.  Due to the differences used by SP4 Frederick’s manual typewriter page layout and today’s computer edition there may be some slight differences in page numbering.  In this edition footnotes have been numbered consecutively rather than by section.

SP4 Paul R. Frederick’s History of the 6/27th Artillery is a remarkable document, especially when you consider the conditions of where and when it was researched and written – on the battlefield per se – Phuoc Vinh, Vietnam in 1966 and 1967.  Regrettably SP4 Frederick’s history ends in the middle of 1967.  The 6/27th Artillery remained in Vietnam for another four years serving in heroic ways.  No history of these remaining years has yet to come to light.  Perhaps one day one will.

John A. Wavra
Webmaster, www.quanloi.org
April 14, 2015

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