USS Dick Lykes
At the Port of Beaumont, Texas, September 1965
Awaiting the Loading of the 6/27th Artillery and other units equipment
WJefferies Photo
Most of us that shipped to Vietnam to join
the 6/27th Artillery or one of many other units went over in a chartered jet.
It was a long 10 hour flight with a stop in Guam or the Philippines for
refueling and we were all weary and apprehensive when we arrived at Ton Son Nhut
Air Base. Not so with the first guys of the 6/27th Artillery and other
units. They boarded the US Navy Ship William S. Gordon at Oakland.
Under extremely crowded conditions they spent the next thirty days aboard the
troop ship. After arriving in South Vietnam on November 3, 1965 they spent
the next two weeks at a staging area on the grounds of Saigon University.
Some of them mistakenly thought they were waiting for the guns and equipment
that had been sent on another ship, the USS Dick Lykes, a freighter of the Lykes
Lines. Some heard rumors that the Army had mistakenly sent the equipment
to Australia and it took two weeks of waiting while the equipment was reshipped
to Vietnam.
This was not so as we will learn from
Wesley Jefferies, one of seven enlisted men designated as equipment guards, who
accompanied the equipment aboard the Dick Lykes. Together with Wesley's
photos and memories we will retrace that trip from Ft Bliss, Texas to the docks
of Saigon and finally, where as a member of Bravo Battery, Wesley arrived at Phouc
Vinh. It is a fascinating journey and we thank Wesley Jefferies for sharing
it with us. Come now - hop aboard by clicking the start button below and we will