This was a nasty place tightly surrounded by jungle. We followed an ammo truck on a jungle road into the rice paddy clearings. I looked ahead and there was a flattened python stretching out of the jungle on one side of the jungle and into the other with no ends in sight. It was run over by the convoy and must have been 18 feet long. That evening at dusk the 105 battery beside us shot a cobra and a python. I saw them dragging them back (they said they were going to eat them but you be the judge of that) and they were 8-12 feet long. That night when a VC mortar crew starting walking rounds into the perimeter I didn’t know whether jumping in a dark foxhole was such a good idea. We could see the mortar crew at the jungle edge. Fortunately a machine gun from the 105 battery opened up with enough tracer rounds to put them out of business. No one was hurt but a few tents probably didn’t hold water to well after that.