Photographs of the Crossing on the Gordon and My Fellow Lieutenants and Other Members of the Battalion 1965 - 1966. Also Included are Photos of Bravo Battery at Phouc Vinh. Copyright 2014 by Adrian Gravelle and
1 The Gordon at White Beach, Okinawa
2 The Gordon docked at White Beach, Okinawa
3 L-R LT Pond, LT Gardner, LT Thomson, LT Withrow, LT Juan Rodriguez aboard the Gordon
4 LT Pete Fleury playing guitar and LT Jim Thomson and LT Cecil Gardner listening; others not identified
5 L-R LT Gardner (in background, LT Garman, LT Sheehan (I think), LT Withrow, LT Shaw aboard the Gordon
6 LT Pete Fleury and LT Don Withrow shaving
7 1LT Juan A. Rodriguez, Battalion Survey Officer, aboard the Gordon
8 Approaching Vietnam aboard the Gordon
9 LT Gravelle waiting to go ashore from the Gordon at Vung Tau
10 L-R Lt Boone and LT Thomson aboard the Gordon
11 L-R LT Thomson and LT Andreeko waiting to go ashore from the Gordon at Vung Tau
12 Landing craft approaching the Gordon for disembarkation at Vung Tau
13 Going ashore in landing craft from Gordon at Vung Tau
14 Battalion staging area with Saigon University in background
15 1LT Andy Andreeko at Long Binh
16 1LT Andy Andreeko, FO and Battalion Ammunition Officer
17 1LT John Klaitz and 1LT Andy Andreeko
18 1LT Earl (Harry) Pond, Forward Observer
19 1LT Earl Pond and CPT John Dolby, Battalion S3
20 1LT Homer Cecil Gardner, battalion motor officer
21 1LT Homer Cecil Gardner, the battalion motor officer
22 1LT James W. Thomson, B Battery XO at Phuoc Vinh
23 1LT Adrian J. Gravelle, FO and Service Battery XO
24 1LT Kenneth C. Boone, XO of C Battery at Phuoc Vinh
25 1LT Ken Boone, C Battery XO, visiting B Battery, Phuoc Vinh
26 1LT Tom Eddy
27 1LT Tom Eddy, then of A Battery
28 CPT Leonard B. Weiner, Battalion Surgeon
29 CPT Gerald McElroy, BC of Service battery, and CSM Herbert Trumpfeller, battalion sergeant major
30 SGT Lawrence, 1SGT Brogdon, CPT McElroy of Service Battery
31 SSG Bynog, my Reconnisance Sergeant
32 L-R 1LT Gerzel and 1LT Thomson and two unidentified soldiers
33 B Battery mail box (Thomson is 1LT Thomson, XO, and Kelly is SFC Kelly, chief of firing battery
34 B Battery FDC at Phuoc Vinh
35 B Battery GP Medium tents at Phuoc Vinh
36 B Battery mess hall still under construction at Phuoc Vinh
37 Bunker on perimeter at Phuoc Vinh
38 The new showers at B Battery at Phuoc Vinh
39 LT Thomson, XO of B Battery, and his new battery shower
40 M110 at B Battery
41 M109 at B Battery
42 M109 at High Angle at B Battery
43 M2 aiming circle
44 Phuoc Vinh market.
45 Infantry lifting off in Huey slicks from air strip at Phuoc Vinh