Adin M. Tooker
Summary of Tour of Duty
September 1966 to September of 1967
(Writer's disclaimer: It has
been close to 40 years since my tour in Southeast Asia. My memory
never did absorb all the details of this chaotic period in my life
and the passage of time has not helped in my attempts to recall
events and dates. I apologize in advance for errors, mental lapses,
embellishments of the mind, wrong names and incorrect spellings. I
welcome your corrections and comments.)
I entered the Army through a college ROTC program. As a male
student, I was required to take two years of military training with
weekly drilling sessions. I elected to continue my military training
and to accept a reserve commission with a two-year, active duty
commitment. I made the decision because I respected the Regular Army
officers teaching the course material and I did not have any career
plans or aspirations. The Army discipline and demanding physical
training sounded challenging. Certainly, it was a very different
life than I had experienced up to that point in my life. At the
time, it sounded like fun and I chose the Field Artillery branch of
the Army because it sounded like the most fun. What young male would
not like to be involved in cannons, guns and howitzers?
Our 1965 graduating class knew that the Vietnam War was expanding
and that we would be likely candidates to participate. Ironically,
only two of us got the Vietnam tour while the remainder of the class
went to Korea.
