Willingham's Charlie Battery Photos
Phouc Vinh 1968 - 1969
Willingham arrived at Phouc Vinh and Charlie
Battery 6/27th Artilliery in September 1968.
He was first assigned to the Ammo Section,
but within a couple of weeks he Was moved to
the Executive Post as Battery Recorder.
David has
shared 73 photos with the site from Charlie
Battery in 1968 and 1969. We think you
will enjoy his photos and you Charlie
Battery Vets may recognize a face or two.
There are a few unidentified so we could use
your help if you remember any of them.
Click Here to View David's Photos |
Sherck's Charlie & Alpha Battery Photos - 1967-68
Sherck had the "privilege" of serving with two 6th Battalion 27th
Artillery batteries in Vietnam - Charlie and Alpha. He has
graciously shared his photos from 1966 to 1967. There are over
thirty photos from his Charlie Btry time. In July of 1967 he
was transferred to Alpha where he served out his Vietnam tour.
Three photo galleries include over eighty photos of Alpha Battery,
the French Swimming Pool and photos of Vietnamese children at
Christmas 1967. Many thanks to Karl for sharing his photos.
"Duke" Holden's Charlie Battery Photos
Duke Holden served with Charlie Battery from
January 1970 until August 1971. Many of the 59 photos he has
shared with us were taken at Bu Dop and are of fellow soldiers he
served with. Duke has identified almost everyone in the photos
but a few are labeled as "Unknown". If you recognize
anyone be sure to let us know.
View Duke's photos here.
Bill Posey's Charlie Battery Photos - 1970 to 71
Posey writes: "I arrived in Vietnam In April 1970 at 90th
Replacement Center. I was then assigned to 6/27 Artillery “C”
Battery in Phu Loi. I was a "Shake-and-Bake" buck sergeant and
was assigned to gun 3. About two weeks after I arrived we got
orders that we were going to relocate in the fish Hook area. We
jumped around building firebases, most of which I cannot
remember the names of anymore. It was a solid five weeks of hard
work, although it was exciting."
Join Bill in viewing over 300 images from his
first Vietnam tour of duty with Charlie Battery 6/27th
Artillery. In six separate photo galleries Bill shares his
photos with the site and you. Thanks for sharing your
memories and photos with us, Bill.
Click here to view Bill's photos.
Battery Medic Remembers His Vietnam Service
David Hastings was an accountant with a Master's
Degree when he was drafted in June, 1965. Naturally, the Army
took his extensive education into account when they decided to send
him to the Medic Training Center, at
Fort Sam Houston, Texas to
train be be a medic. David recalls his days
with Charlie Battery 6/27th Artillery in Vietnam and includes a
number of photos of Charlie Battery at Phouc Vinh.
Click here to read "Doc Hastings Remembers."
"Doc" Hastings' Additional Memories of
Charlie Battery
thanks to David Hastings for some additional
memories of Charlie Battery at Phouc Vinh in
1966-67. It's interesting how one
still remembers things from our past service
in Vietnam more than fifty years later.
David is a skilled writer and has included a
few photos to help visualize his memories.
I think you will find them interesting. |
Click Here to Read & View
at the End"
Photos of Bravo & Charlie Btrys and
the Stand Down
Roger Garner had the "pleasure" to serve in two
6/27th Batteries - Bravo and Charlie - in 1971. His photo
collection brings us snaps of FSB Wade, Snuffy, Haymaker and a
number of FSBs whose names he does not recall. Roger was
present at the end of the 6/27th Battalion's time in Vietnam when
they stood down at Phu Loi in late October 1971.
Click here to view his photo collection and read his memory of
his tour.
There's a Right Time For Everything -
Lessons Learned
In his story "Incoming",
Ken Wright, Charlie Battery, remembers with help from his former gun
crew members, that it is not wise to prepare for a move of the guns
too early. You might save a little time in the morning but it
can lead to some hair-raising consequences. Check it out
Story Triggers Remembrance
While attending the 2008 Branson Reunion Richard
Fillerup told a story about rats in Quan Loi that reminded Ken
Wright of an encounter with a nest of snakes.
Read his story here.
Vinh - Charlie Battery -
1969 Photos
William "Bill" Sponseller who served at Phuoc
Vinh has provided us with images of his time with Charlie Battery
and some photos of "going home". Bill joins others from
Charlie in our attempt to document the 6/27th Artillery time in
Click Here to check them out - I think you will enjoy seeing
them, especially and vintage shot of Norm Wolfinger (See below) in
khakis at Ft. Sill.
Ken Wright's A Meeting With A Mine
We all know what IUDs have done to our soldiers in
Iraq. Regular mines posed a danger when traveling the roads in
Vietnam. Ken Wright relates a short story with photos of the
day his 175mm gun hit a mine in the road while moving from a Fire
Support Base in May 1970.
Click Here to View
Wright's Vietnam Videos
A great addition to the site
has recently arrived from Ken Wright, #1 Gun Chief,
Charlie Battery, 1970-71. Between September 1970 and April
1971 Ken shot 8mm film of Charlie Battery as it moved from Fire
Support Base to FSB in Vietnam. Last year Ken's son
transferred this film to VHS video and recently Ken had those tapes
transferred to DVD. Ken was generous to share some of those
movies with us.
In order to expedite download and viewing the video has been split
into four parts and set up as Windows Video Media files.
Two versions of each part were made - one for faster broadband users
and one for dial-up users. The versions are identical but
viewing size is smaller for the dial-up user. Even then, the
files range from 42-45 Mbs for broadband and 22-26 Mbs each
for dial-up users. It may require your patience to load and
view each part, but I think you will find it worth your time.
Click Here
to start viewing. Thanks again, Ken!!!